FDN 5840, Social and Philosophical FoundationsOn Competition and the Difficulties of Creating a Just Society
Dewey, John. TBA (Selected text will be available on line.)
Leman, Nicholas. Behind the SAT.
Card, Orson Scott. Ender's Game.
On Life In School
Delpit, Lisa. from Other Peoples Children.Kozol, Jonathan. from The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America.
Gould, Stephan Jay. Ghosts of Bell Curves Past. (Online)
On the Nature of Truth and Objectivity
Rorty, Richard. "Solidarity or objectivity," and "Science as solidarity." From Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth, by Richard Rorty. (Both essays available as PDF online on your syllabus.)Kingsolver, Barbara. The Poisonwood Bible.
On Changing Social StructuresQuinn, Daniel. Ishmael.
Sendak, Mauric. Where the Wild Things Are. (Supplemental)
COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Reading. Read each assignment before the date it is scheduled for class discussion. GRADING 1. You begin the course with an “A.” To keep the “A”: |
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