A. The Educational Process: Theory and History | ||
Class Meeting Dates |
Class Topics, Assigned Readings, and Related Links | |
Key questions: Why do we have public schools? Where does curriculum come from? What is the difference between the hidden and the overt curriculum? | ||
Jan 16 |
Introduction. | |
Inquiry Project Assignment |
The Inquiry Project Assignment: Click here. Inquiry Project Rubric: Click here. We will discuss this project in class over the course of the next several weeks. Please keep the following in mind as your work on the inquiry:
Jan 17 | Extra Credit Opportunity: ASU Events. Please join us for the 34th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration featuring NY Times Best-Selling author Michelle Alexander. This event will take place on Wednesday, January 17th at 7pm in the Schaefer Center. Michelle Alexander is a civil rights lawyer, advocate, legal scholar and author of the acclaimed The New Jim Crow. We look forward to seeing you on the 17th! | |
Jan 18 |
John Taylor Gatto, Bitter Lessons: Whats Wrong with American Teachers, PDF | |
Journal 1 Prompt, PDF | ||
Jan 23 |
Negative and positive freedom. (The lecture PDF file is provided for future reference and is not required for class. You are welcome to bring it to class however if it will assist you with definitions and note taking.) (Lecture PDF); | |
Jan 25 |
Maxine Greene, "Public Education and the Public Space," PDF | |
Bloom's Taxonomy, original, and revised Click here. |
Jan 30 |
Video: The Milgram Experiment. | |
Plato, The Allegory of the Cave, PDF | ||
Feb 1 |
Herbert M. Kliebard, Three Currents of American Curriculum Thought. PDF | |
Feb 6 |
Kohn, Alfie. Excerpt from "Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to Community." PDF. | |
Trauma informed schools. Take the ACE quiz. (Review before class, submit score anonymously in class.) | ||
Feb 8 | No class; Dr. Turner is attending a conference | |
Feb 13 |
Curriculum theory, con't. Freire, PDF. | |
Philosophies of education and learning theories: Click here. | ||
B. Education, Social Class, and Equality | ||
Key questions: How does social class impact educational outcomes? Can negative impacts be avoided? How? | ||
Feb 15 |
Video: People Like Us: Social Class in America. Part I to be shown in class | |
Satire from Comedy Central about Wake County Schools and the issue of social class. | ||
An update from 2015, courtesy of The News and Observer. Click here. | ||
Feb 20 |
Video: People Like Us: Social Class in America, con't. | |
Feb 22 |
Dorothy Allison, “A Question of Class.” People Like Us, cont. (Or, Food insecurity on campus.) | |
Feb 27 |
People Like Us, cont. Charlotte Observer, Counted Out, Part 1 PDF, by Ann Doss Helms. Direct link here. | |
March 1 |
School funding. PDF of lecture slides. | |
March 5-9 |
Spring Break | |
March 13 |
Lemann, Behind the SAT PDF. Lecture slides PDF. | |
March 15 |
Dialect, cultural capital. Delpit, Lisa. PDF. From "Other People's Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom." |
Mid-term assigned. | ||
D. Education, Race, and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy |
Key questions: How does race impact educational outcomes? Can negative impacts be avoided? What connections are there between race and social class? | ||
March 20 |
March 22
Video: Eyes on the Prize. | |
March 27 |
Video: Eyes on the Prize. No additional reading. | |
Video. Race: The Power of An Illusion. | ||
March 29 |
Peggy McIntosh, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack,PDF. |
Video. Race: The Power of An Illusion, finished. | ||
Arpil 3 | State Holiday, Easter | |
Arpil 5 | Video: Precious Knowledge | |
Required: Robert Lake, An Indian Fathers Plea, Click Here. | ||
Required: Author Michael Dorris on his children and Why I’m Not Thankful for Thanksgiving | ||
Not required: Teaching Thanksgiving : Myths and Misgivings | ||
April 10 |
Precious Knowledge, con't. |
Discussion of the Inquiry Project. Please come with any questions. Assignment posted 8/22. (See above.) | ||
April 12 |
Ta Nehisi Coates, The Case for Reparations. Click here. (You must bring a copy of the article to class for use in the class discussion.) Direct link to the article at the Atlantic Monthly website. Click here. Discussion of the Inquiry Project, if needed. |
E. Education and Gendered Identity |
Key questions: What is "gender identity"? What is "sexual orientation"? How does schooling affect identity in general, and gender identity in particular? Can one's sexual orientation affect school performance? Why and how? | ||
April 17 | Student Panel. Discussion of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender issues. Arrive at class with at least one question you would like to discuss with the panel. (Arrive in class prepared with a question for the panel.) |
April 19 | Nature, Nurture, And Our Evolving Debates About Gender. Podcast: Hidden Brain, NPR. Listen here (51 minutes required.) Reading and processing notes are required. [Also, a transcipt of the podcast if you prefer to read rather than listen. Note: the piece was intended to be heard, not read. PDF] |
Proposed: Intro to understanding bullying and how to combat it. | ||
Extra Credit. THURSDAY 11/16 7PM-8PM Guest speaker Benjamin Thomas-Reid (he/him/his) will be sharing reflections on being a queer teacher in NC. GAPP (Gay And Progressive Pedagogy) meeting open to all who are interested.RCOE 227. | ||
April 24 | Rebecca Golden, "Fat girl: A history of bullying. Every day I walked a gauntlet of humiliation. By the age of 12, I wanted to kill myself." Click Here. | |
Jean Kilbourne. Women in Advertising. | ||
April 26 | Indentity/Intersectionality/Difference activity. | |
May 1 | Review of topics and articles. The PDF will facilitate your participation in class discussion. Review it before class. Click Here. | |
Last 20 minutes of class: FDN 2400 online course evaluation and submission. Several Mac laptops will be available for those who need them. | ||
TBA [Date] | Video. Bully: It's Time to Take a Stand | |
May 3 | No Class. Reading Day. | |
May 7 | Final due date. The Inquiry Project is due May 7, 2018 at 11:30 PM on the TK20 website. Link to TK20 sign in. Click Here. Contact for TK20 issues. Click Here. (Select the appropriate issue on the linked page, for example, "New or locked account.") |
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