"Eveyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own
facts." (Daniel Patrick Moynihan). A non-partisan,
non-profit "consumer
advocate" for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and
confusion in U.S. politics. From the Annenberg Public Policy Center of
the University of Pennsylvania. Currently focused on the 2004 presidential
County Commissioners: This
is a link to the responses the candidates for
County Board of Commissioner in 2006 gave to a questionaire
developed by The Partnership for Watauga's Furture. You will also find responses from candidates for state and federal races. Historical information from candidates in 2004: click here.
Democrats and the national Democratic
Party .
, the North
Carolina State GOP, and the national Republican
Party of the United States.
of Women Voters Awesome
site, with all the candidates, and all the issues.
However, not all candidates have taken a position
on the issues. The League of Women Voters offers
non-partisan information on judges, commissioners, and your choices
for representation in the United States Congress.
A great source
of non-partisan information on pending legislation, etc.
MoveOn.org A
non-profit bipartisan internet organization originally founded to "censure
President Clinton, and move on." Now organizing grassroots democracy
on the internet.
Rifle Association Most famous for their opposition to the regulation
of gun ownership and use. Do you agree or disagree with
their position? Read the second amendment to the Bill
of Rights, regarding a "well-regulated militia." A
critical question: what is a "militia"?
America, with Al Franken. The liberal talk radio station.
Limbaugh, the conservative talk show host.