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©copyright 2003 gayle m. turner
About Web Site Hosting:
People often ask me for recommendations regarding who should host their web site. This site has been hosted at ICDSOFT since December of 2002, and I have been extremely happy with them. The hosting package costs $60 per year. For that price, you also get unlimited e-mail accounts at "mail.yoursite.com," which is very nice, and you can also get e-mail via webmail, if you prefer that. The package also gives you five free subdomains, and 500 MB of disk space.
Probably the two greatest things about ICDSOFT are:
1. The servers are always up.
2. Support responds 24/7 literally within minutes, with genuine help on just about anything related to your site.
I did quite a lot of research, and was hosted two other places before settling on ICDSOFT. If you decide you would like to try hosting with them, please click on this link. If you purchase services from ICDSOFT via this link, you will be helping to support the not-for-profit educational services of GAYLETURNER.NET.
Thank you for your support!