FDN 5840,
Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
Wednesday |
Class Topics, Assigned Readings, and Related Links |
June 2 |
Introduction. |
June 9 |
Kozol, "Still Separate, Still Unequal: America's Educational Apartheid" |
Video: People Like Us: Social Class in America, Part I. More, from the website: Click here. Please watch Part I before class. The video is available on ASULearn. | |
High school graduation rates by state and racial group. Click here. | |
Incarceration rates for minority males: information from Human Rights Watch. | |
Growing Good Principals | |
An introduction to social class and schools through comedy: Colbert Report, "Disintegration." [Wake County Schools] Click here. | |
The importance to individual school and disctricts of resource equality in the local taxation and spending equation. PDF of lecture slides. | |
June 16 |
Lemann, Behind the SAT. |
Stephan Jay Gould on IQ. Click here. | |
Video: People Like Us: Social Class in America, Part II. Please watch Part II before class. The video is available on ASULearn. | |
Wall Street Journal resources: The minimum wage debate. Please see PDF's in ASULearn. | |
PDF of lecture slides. | |
Here is the link to "Against Their Will," a five part series by the Winston-Salem Journal. | |
June 23 |
Social Class, continued. |
PDF of lecture slides. | |
Video: People Like Us: Social Class in America, final segments, including"High School." [Watch the remainder of the video on ASULearn.] | |
Mid-term assigned. Please read and follow all of the instructions. Click here when available. | |
June 30 |
No class. Continue work on your mid-term and the longer readings for the second half of the course. |
July 6 |
(Sunday). Mid-term due, 10 pm, via e-mail attachment to professor (see email requirementas provided on the mid-term descriptiona and assinment). MS Word format please or rtf as second best choice. No class meeting. This is a Sunday. |
July 7 |
Ender’s Game, all. |
Where the Wild Things Are, please have a copy if you have one available. | |
Dewey, from School and Society, and Essays on Contemporary Thought. Click here. | |
PDF of Keynote Slides. | |
July 14 |
Precious Knowledge: A Documentary. Please watch the complete documentary before class. The video is available on ASULearn. |
Delpit, pp. xi-69. Click here. | |
"Without Sanctuary: Lynching in America." Click here. (The "official" site has been removed, but the photos and text from the exhibit are still available. Please browse, and be sure to click on the link that will tell you more about any postcard you view.) | |
Rorty, "Solidarity or objectivity" and "Science as solidarity". Handout: Click here. Solidarity/Objectivity Chart. | |
No class. Continue work on the novels and/or longer assigned readings. | |
July 21 |
Quinn, Ishmael. Read the complete novel. |
Video: Genesis: A Living Conversation. "The First Murder." Please watch the complete documentary before class. The video is available on ASULearn. | |
Philosophies of education and learning theories chart. Click here. | |
July 28 |
Barbara Kingsolver, The Poisonwood Bible. Pp ix-543, (the whole novel). |
Disagreements in education: Eyes on the Prize: Keys to the Kingdom. A Documentary on desegregation in Boston. Please watch the portion of the documentary that has been uploaded before class. Link to PBS information on the documentary, Click here. |
Take-home final assigned. It will be available on ASULearn. | |
August 2 | Saturday. Final due at 10 PM as an email attachment. Click here when available. |
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