FDN 2400, Critical Perspectives on Learning and Teaching

Required Readings

Most readings are provided as PDF's on the course website. Readings not available under the fair use portion of copyright law will be provided behind a firewall. You will be directed to your ASULearn course website for these.

Students are required to bring the assigned readings to class. Please see the electronic device policy in the "Reading" section, below.

Selected additional articles will be provided for class. Please consults the class schedule (i.e. the course syllabus) everyday for any additional downloads or required readings.

Course Requirements:

1. Reading: Read each assigned reading or web page before the date it is scheduled for class discussion. Students are expected to bring readings as well as notes and questions about the readings to class. Laptops may only be open and used when we are discussing the readings. This is so you are able to draw from a particular passage to ground your discussion of the article. There have been semesters when I have not allowed laptops in the classroom as they are often a distraction. Please be aware that I reserve the right to return to this no-laptop policy if I or your classmates feel that students are abusing laptop or other devices during class. A phone is not an adequate device to access your readings.

2. Class participation and attendance:
The success of the class depends on each student attending all classes, all the time, and on time. Come to each class with your reading and processing notes. (See below). You will also be responsible for leading at least one small group discussion of an article, and perhaps two. Full details will be available as the group assignments are made. To prepare for class participation you will prepare reading and processing notes.

Reading and Processing Notes for each class in which a reading is assigned. You will be expected to bring your readings with you to class as well as your notes over the readings. As you read, you might consider the following: What is the author saying to you? Who is the author? To whom was the author speaking and why? What do the author’s assumptions seem to be? What sorts of evidence and methods are used? What specific passages support your interpretation of the author’s argument? Where do you find yourself agreeing? Disagreeing? Where does the author echo your own discourses? Do you feel inclined to challenge the author? How? What are your own purposes in reading this?

Consider the text’s functions within the course, its connections to other readings, its connection to your own experiences and interest, and its location within the larger literature on public schooling and social justice. How do your own values and experiences shape your response to the text? For every class period, you should enter the classroom and take out your readings and your processing notes. Your notes should be written on a piece of lined notebook paper or typed and printed. Always be prepared to turn your notes in even though I will only collect them periodically. This will be part of your class participation grade.

3. Mid-term:
This will be in a take home essay format.

4. Inquiry Project: You will want to read this assignment now in order to have it in mind as we engage with each topic throughout the semester.

5. Videos and other required course content: Videos and some course readings are provided on ASULearn. Videos are required, and are shown in class. Most are also on ASULearn should you want to watch them again.


1. Mid-term: 40 points.

2. Inquiry Project: 40 points. This will be graded according to the rubric provided with the assignment on your syllabus.

3. Class participation, reading and processing, and attendance: 40 points.

4. Discussion facilitator: 40 points.

5. Journal entries: There will be several journal entries during the semester. Journal entries are worth 40 points.

6. Extra credit opportunities: I anticipate that several of these will be provided during the semester. They will generally be university wide speakers and activities. If you attend, to get credit you will write a one page analysis of the event covering the content and its relevance to our course. 5 points each.

5. Final course grading: 93 - 100% A, 90 - 92.9% A-, 88 - 89.9% B+, 82 - 87.9% B, 80 - 81.9% B-, 74 - 79.9% C, 70 - 73.9% C-, 70% or lower is a D.

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FDN 2400 Syllabus
FDN 2400 Course Requirements