Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
study of Social Foundations of Education relies heavily on the disciplines
and methodologies of the humanities, particularly history and philosophy, and
the social sciences, such as sociology and political science. The purpose of
foundations study is to bring these disciplinary resources to bear in developing
interpretive, normative, and critical perspectives on education, both inside
and outside of schools. The general objectives of these foundational studies
are to introduce students to interpretive uses of knowledge germane to education
and to establish a basis for life-long learning through normative and critical
reflection on education within its historical, philosophical, cultural, and
social contexts.
The interpretive perspectives use concepts and theories developed
within the humanities and the social sciences to assist students in examining,
understanding, and explaining education within different contexts. Foundational
studies promote analysis of the intent, meaning, and effects of educational
institutions, including schools. Such studies attend particularly to the diverse
contexts within which educational phenomena occur, and how interpretation can
vary with different historical, philosophical, and cultural perspectives.
The normative perspectives assist students in examining and
explaining education in light of value orientations. Foundational studies promote
understanding of normative and ethical behavior in educational development and
recognition of the inevitable presence of normative influences in educational
thought and practice. Foundational studies probe the nature of assumptions about
education and schooling. They examine the relation of policy analysis to values
and the extent to which educational policymaking reflects values. Finally, they
encourage students to develop their own value positions regarding education
on the basis of critical study and their own reflections.
The critical perspectives employ normative interpretations
to assist students to develop inquiry skills, to question educational assumptions
and arrangements, and to identify contradictions and inconsistencies among social
and educational values, policies, and practices. In particular, the critical
perspectives engage students in employing democratic values to assess educational
beliefs, policies, and practices in light of their origins, influences, and
Study in Foundations of Education shall NOT be equated with “Introduction
to Education” coursework unless such study clearly addresses the three
perspectives indicated in this Standard and is taught by individuals specifically
trained in Foundations of Education.
(Source: CLSE
Standards, 1996)
Gayle M. Turner
212 B Reich College of Education
Appalachian State University
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