Empower yourself, your family, and your community: Register to Vote!
Choose the people who make the choices that affect the life around you. You can register to vote by clicking on any of the links that follow. If you are already registered:Find your polling place and districts: Click on the link on the left hand side of the page. Enter your name and birthday, submit the form, and when the data comes back, click on your name to find all your voter information.
Voter Eligibility Requirements: 30 days of residence in the county in which you will vote, and 18 years of age at the time of the election.
Voter Registration resources:
Get the on-line form from Congress.org. (Fill out the form on-line, print it, and mail or hand deliver). This link seems to get overloaded from time to time; if you find this is the case when you try to connect, then choose one of the options below.
Visit the Watauga County Board of Elections. Register in person from 8 am to 5 pm Monday - Friday, or deliver your downloaded registration form to them by October 8, 2004 at the Board of Elections office, 331 Queen St., the corner of Queen St. and Water St., downtown Boone.
Mailing address for voter registration in Watauga County (post marked by October 8, 2004 for the next election!):
Watauga County Board of Elections
PO Box 528
Boone, NC 28607You can also get the registration form in these Boone locations:
Watauga Public Library
Watauga High School
Board of Elections Office. 331 Queen St., the corner of Queen St. and Water St., downtown Boone, NC. Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm.
Remember to Research the Issues: you can click here to start!
Go to local voter information regarding local, state, and national elections.
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