Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
What does it mean to study the "Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education"?
Foundations of education courses aim to develop in teachers and other school professionals such as administrators, counselors, and psychologists the ability to interpret knowledge within its historical, philosophical, cultural, and social contexts. The aim of interpretation is to produce clear normative and critical perspectives on education both within, and outside of, schools.
The Council of Learned Societies in Education (CLSE) has provided definitions and standards regarding Foundations of Education on behalf of its twenty member societies. Representatives of CLSE and its member societies serve actively on the advisory boards of NCATE, and provide ongoing input into NCATE standards. The CLSE member organizations are:
American Educational Studies Association
Association for Philosophy of Education
Comparative and International Education Society
Florida Foundations of Education and Policy Studies Society
History of Education Society
International Society of Educational Biography
The John Dewey Society
Middle Atlantic States Philosophy of Education Society
Midwest History of Education Society
Midwest Philosophy of Education Society
New York State Foundations of Education Association
Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society
Pennsylvania Educational Studies Association
Philosophy of Education Society
The Society for Educational Reconstruction
Society for the Philosophy and History of Education
Society of Professors of Education
South Atlantic Philosophy of Education Society
Southeast Philosophy of Education Society
Texas Educational Foundations Society
For additional information on Foundations of Education, click here.
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Gayle M. Turner
212B College of Education Building
Appalachian State University
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